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Introduction In the previous chapters, we learned about the refraction of light by lenses, the nature of images formed by lenses, and their applications. Thi…
Introduction The animal kingdom is a fascinating and diverse domain, encompassing a myriad of species with distinct structures and forms. With over a million d…
Introduction Animals in the phylum Chordata are distinguished by three primary features: the presence of a notochord, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, and paired ph…
Introduction Reproductive processes are crucial for the continuation of species, leading to the generation of new individuals that are similar yet distinct. Wh…
Artistic interpretation of Hemichordates Introduction The phylum Hemichordata ( Kingdom Animalia ) is a small but significant group of marine organisms that sh…
Introduction The phylum Echinodermata consists of fascinating marine animals known for their distinctive spiny body structure. Exclusively marine, these creatu…
Introduction The phylum Mollusca is the second-largest animal phylum ( Kingdom Animalia ). Molluscs can be found in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, …
Introduction Phylum Arthropoda is the largest and most diverse phylum in the Animal Kingdom , encompassing a vast array of species, including insects. Over t…
Preparing for the NEET and board exams requires a well-structured study plan, especially for subjects like Biology. The NCERT Biology textbooks are a goldmine …